Saturday, April 17, 2010

What's significant?

It is not the mundaneness of marking countless essays that saps me and leaves me unmotivated but its the desire to make most of my life time doing what is meaningful and significant - it is hard to see this in the often unappreciated and endless markings. How much of the time used up for this thankless activity could be used for more meaningful and appreciated activities or in other words is this activity significant? Anyway enough of rambling - I'll get back to the books and mark them well as soon as I can (I am responsible even if I'm not enthusiastic about this duty).
On a brighter note - I went looking for a river to conduct water baptism and found a lovely one on the way to Bau in one of the small kampungs along the road. The scenery and the very act of walking in the pebble strewn river catching small sucker fish was simply rejuvenating and reminded me of what's missing in my life. Am so thankful for the few hours there.

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