Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm back

Was denied access to my blog for some time - unusual activity said

Things are changing in my life again and soon I'll be back what I love doing most and was doing in the past, many years ago (more later).

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thoughts on not doing it alone . . .

Today's Bible reading (Exodus 18:13-24) said a lot to me, so I like to jot down thoughts and questions that arose for me to mull on and maybe for you my kind reader to comment (and benefit from) too.

What is this thing that you are doing for the people . . . alone?
The thing that you do is not good.

Oh how I wish I too can have people like Jethro in my life, who know me and what I am doing and care enough to speak into my life when they see something wrong. I pray I will be surrounded by counsellors who will offer their experience and wisdom even when I'm too busy to ask for it.

You and your people will surely wear themselves out . . .

Just realised that if (and when) a leader is worn out (burnt out) the people he/she is leading will also suffer the same fate!

For this thing is too much for you; you are not able to perform it by yourself.

What am I doing that is 'too much' for me; that I am unable 'to perform' by myself? Oh may I have the eyes to see and the wisdom and humility to say, "This is too much for me; I am not able to do this by myself!" I wonder if the many dreams/projects/programmes I want to do have fallen into this category?

Listen to my counsel (advice) and God will be with you.

Who am I listening and is God with me as a result?

You stand before God . . . teach them . . . show them . . . deal with the 'great matters'
BUT also you SELECT among all the people, men/women who are

  • God-fearing
  • truth lovers
  • honest (hate covetousness)
To become rulers over 10, 50, 100, 1000 and they 

  • do the 'small matters'
  • judge the people
  • bear the burden WITH you
If you do this, you will ENDURE and your people will go home in peace.

I need to select 'rulers' and to delegate responsibilities and care to them, so that my burden is shared and I can endure; those I lead can go home happy!

Lord, help me form a dream team for every project I do. Help me find the right men and women, select them and delegate to them some of my burdens so that together the work is done, the workers are okay and the people are blessed.