Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I've been robbed . . .

It has finally sunk in and I am going to admit it: the lifestyle I had been practising six months ago was comfortably supported by the income I was getting six months ago but the same lifestyle today can no longer be supported by the same amount I was getting six months ago! Pay same, way of living same but today  I can't afford to continue the way I have been living - I actually am slowly but surely being forced to downsize!
I guess what happened is as I went to work, slept and lived my normal life, the cost of living just rose slowly but surely and like the proverbial frog being boiled slowly in a pot, I never knew I was getting cooked until my wallet began to hurt!
After several years of living with enough and a little extra to bless others, I am back to those old days when I lived in lack. Ouch, never thought I would return to those 'terrible lean years'!
So I have begun looking for ways to trim the fat, deciding what I can discontinue, cut down or stretch but I fear the pay I am presently getting can only be stretched so much before it goes 'poof' (disappears into thin air). I guess its back to doing two or three jobs at the same time (those 'lean years' pushed me hard). I've identified 7.30-11.30am as the time I can do something else and am looking to be actively doing something(s) during this time to generate between RM1000 to RM2000 a month.
Any ideas/suggestions?
As a stop gap measure I will be selling off some of my belongings beginning with some books from my library - keep in the loop (visit my FB) to know what I am selling off. 
I hope you are having better days but take my case as a call to look at your situation - is what you are doing and what you are getting financially enough any more or have you been robbed too?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Edit like this laa

There's no room for lapse of attention or ignoring a single word (what more a sentence) when editing news.

Got gently rebuked and reminded on two matters:

  1. For a picture caption story, look at the picture (and if pictureS, select the best) and make sure the sentences fit the picture. Also, for caption story there must be at least 2-3 sentences (not one complex sentence).
  2. The paragraph that says where and when some guy said something important which was used in the first paragraph must only appear after third paragraph. Do not insert the info (where, when) in first  paragraph.
Then there's this question: Is it 'an initiative BY the government . . .' or 'an initiative OF the government . . .'? Chief editor says its 'OF' and not 'BY'. Any English masters wanna comment?