Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hurray for Angels!

Daphne Lee’s ( column in STARMAG today was a breath of fresh air as she makes a bold prediction – we are getting tired with the deluge of stories littered with zombies, vampires and werewolves; it’s time for something uplifting, fresh, positive and may I say clean. The answer? ANGELS!

New literary series where angels are the key characters are presently being published. Some revolve around romantic relations between angels and humans while others present angels with good looks and supernatural abilities and powers. As immortal beings that are accepted by the religious as ministering beings and by unbelievers as mythological creatures, they provide a healthy and better alternative to the demonic, dark and gruesome creatures of Twilight fame as all its kind in this genre.

Angels are fantastic beings, their exploits recorded by all three monotheistic religions as well as a slew of testimonies from thousands who claimed to have had an encounter with angels. All this can be mined and explored to provide stunning fantasy novels for both the young adult and adult readership.

A series that looks to have a great future would be Angelology where a nun stands between a conflict between a society of angelologist and the Nephilims (another great source of stories, especially how they came about and what happened to them). This series by Danielle Trussoni is soon to be available (read an excerpt) .

What can I say except give me angels anytime. Enough of glorifying dark demonic evil beings as characters to be emulated, pitied and worship. Give me an angel anytime (Gabriel, Michael and Azrael would be great starters).

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