Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Generation Y
The Baby Boomers are people born between 1946 and 1959.
Generation X are people born between 1960 and 1989.
Generation Y are people born between 1990 and now.
Why do we call the last one generation Y? I did not know, but a cartoonist explains it eloquently below...Learned something new today.

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Teacher or student?

When it comes to learning English does the onus stand on the teacher to wave his magical wand of creativity and enthusiasm that will enable his students to learn English (proven by good grades and obvious language mastery) or does it depend on the student to come to class hungering to master English coupled with an untiring willingness to pay attention and participate actively in all the exercises and activities poured out by her English teacher?
Want to read more and add your comments, click here for the full article.
Friday, April 23, 2010
You tweet?
Monday, April 19, 2010
You are FAT!

Images from the humiliating The Biggest Loser Asia flash across my tortured mind.
I know I must be thinner, I know I must eat healthily and I know but I must exercise but I also know I love food and want to eat often, I know I have very little desire for exercising (the effort, time taken and resulting pain is very discouraging) and I know my trousers and shirts are getting tight (and it pains me literally to wear them, both physically and emotionally).
It is a perennial problem that I not only have not been able to solve but one that has grown bigger and stronger. How discouraging. How demporalizing. How tiring.
All efforts relying on self-will and determination to do what I know I should (see blog posting on April 1st) last from within a few hours to a few days.
Will I turn into a large, ugly, fat, bouncy hulk of blubber and die from one of the millions of death-producing diseases related to being fat? Will I ever be able to have and keep always a healthy fit body with a BMI of 20 and a lifestyle that includes hours of great exercise daily? I dunno; this old dog is tired of trying and not keen of learning new tricks and changing his lifestyle . . . yet it hurts and feel bad when the reminders (both verbal and emotional) scream mockingly at you “You’re fat”!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hurray for Angels!

Daphne Lee’s ( column in STARMAG today was a breath of fresh air as she makes a bold prediction – we are getting tired with the deluge of stories littered with zombies, vampires and werewolves; it’s time for something uplifting, fresh, positive and may I say clean. The answer? ANGELS!
New literary series where angels are the key characters are presently being published. Some revolve around romantic relations between angels and humans while others present angels with good looks and supernatural abilities and powers. As immortal beings that are accepted by the religious as ministering beings and by unbelievers as mythological creatures, they provide a healthy and better alternative to the demonic, dark and gruesome creatures of Twilight fame as all its kind in this genre.
Angels are fantastic beings, their exploits recorded by all three monotheistic religions as well as a slew of testimonies from thousands who claimed to have had an encounter with angels. All this can be mined and explored to provide stunning fantasy novels for both the young adult and adult readership.
A series that looks to have a great future would be Angelology where a nun stands between a conflict between a society of angelologist and the Nephilims (another great source of stories, especially how they came about and what happened to them). This series by Danielle Trussoni is soon to be available (read an excerpt) .
What can I say except give me angels anytime. Enough of glorifying dark demonic evil beings as characters to be emulated, pitied and worship. Give me an angel anytime (Gabriel, Michael and Azrael would be great starters).
Saturday, April 17, 2010
What's significant?

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Drowning . . . in the blues
Friday, April 9, 2010
Got my own column (again)!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Easter - Good news for sinners (like me)!
Through the blood of his Son, we are set free from our sins. God forgives our failures because of his overflowing kindness. Ephesians 1:7 (GWT)
There have been a lot of great religious teachers throughout history. They've all had good things to say, but what makes Jesus different from every other religious teacher throughout history is the fact that he died and rose again.
That's of critical importance because it's not the life of Jesus that saves you; it's not the teachings of Jesus that save you; it's his death and resurrection that open the door for your salvation.
The Bible says that justice demands punishment. If you do the crime, you pay the time. If you break the law, you pay the fine. If you get caught speeding, you get a ticket. If you break God's laws, you pay God's penalty and, according to the Bible, "the wages [for our] sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23 NLT).
In other words, somebody has to pay for all the things you've done wrong in life: either you pay or somebody else pays for you. And this is where God says, "I'll do it!" He steps up to the plate. Jesus Christ is sent to earth—God in human form—and he says, in effect, "I will pay for your sins."
When Jesus died on the cross for you, it showed two things:
1. It showed how much your forgiveness cost. The highest price you can pay for anything is to give your life for it. And that's what Jesus did. He gave his blood. He gave his life. It was extremely expensive. Grace is free but it is not cheap. It cost Jesus his life, but he paid for your sins.
2. It shows how much God values you. It shows how much you matter to God. Jesus died for you on the cross. It shows the highest price possibly to be paid was giving a life.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thank God it's Friday

Thursday, April 1, 2010
The ideal eating guideline

To NOT be overweight (after you realize you are one of those thousands heading towards obesity) I believe these simple rules that are almost impossible to obey are necessary to maintain a healthy weight and waistline. Here it goes:
- Breakfast for a king - eat most and keep it healthy with lots of cereal, fruits and some bread
- Lunch for a prince - a reasonable lunch (half of what you normally eat) with a piece of meat, lots of vegetables and some carbo (rice will do fine)
- Dinner for a pauper - a saucer full of something similar for lunch.
- NO meals in between. If hungry, eat what's promoted in Law 5
- Eat TONS of fruit and vegetables (nuts too) - sounds like I need to be a almost converted vegan or vegetarian
- NO fried stuff whatsoever, NO oils (or oily food) and NO fat (yes, that includes butter)
- NO eating after 8 pm
- Eat ONLY WHITE meat - de-skinned and de-fat chicken and lots of fish
- Allow sometimes itsy-bitsy portions of sweets (chocolate included)
- No seafood - cholesterol laden
- Drink lots of PLAIN water and natural (freshly squeezed) fruit juices
- Little or no sweet drinks and alcohol
- Very little or no milk (non-fat milk if need to) or milk products (bye-bye cheese)