Saturday, September 10, 2011

Teachers making a difference

OK, here's the idea. I'll put it up here so there's a record and maybe somebody would even respond to it (if anyone reads this blog . . .).
Several weeks ago I preached on the importance of more Christians purposely choosing to become teachers and the need for them to aspire to become the BEST teachers and the BEST witnesses in whatever school they are in.
I also noted that for this to happen there needs to be a body dedicated on doing this - a body I dream of forming and maybe Shalom (the church I am presently pastoring) would play a key role in.
Then I cam across and its Malaysian counterpart
What a wonderful programme and I pray something great will come out of the Malaysian one.
So what can I do? Here are some ideas (I got lots of them, remember):

  • hold an annual booster retreat for teachers and teachers to be where they are pampered and provided talks/workshops by great Christian leaders/teachers on how to become the best teacher and evangelist they can be
  • encourage volunteer teaching especially for the poor and rejected by (a) running weekend classes, (b) edu programme for kampung schools during holidays and (c) free pre-exam revision classes/seminars
Now, is this a good idea or a God idea and how to make it a reality?

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