Friday, September 9, 2011

Second name fiasco

Ooops . . . made a mistake concerning second mention of names in my editing yesterday. 
This is the rule: the first time name of a person is mentioned in a report give it in full. Subsequent mentions use his first name (for Chinese) or surname.
My mistake: Dayak names - do you use first name, second name or third name? I assume if the guy's name was Anjie Jingga, then second mention I'll use 'Jingga' (i.e. his surname) but then I was wrong. I was informed 'Jingga' would most probably be his father's name so for Dayaks (to play safe) use 1st name, i.e. 'Anjie'.
But then there are exceptions. Datuk James Jemut Masing is 'Masing' not "Jemut" . . . ah! the joy of learning the exceptions.

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