Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Two heads are better

I've made some improvement with my headers but there’s still so much room for improvement. For example, for an article about a man who published a book on his life on his 80th birthday, I created the heading “80th birthday book reveals author’s colourful life”. The heading was finally changed (and improved) by better editors to read “Octogenarian publishes memoirs”! Where did he find ‘octogenarian’? And ‘memoirs’ for ‘book on colourful life’ was just brilliant!

My other headers (I write about 6-12 headers for reports I am assigned to edit) that were changed reveal a lack on my part – I didn’t mention ‘who’ in the headline. “More campaigns promised” became “SMC promises more drives . . .” and “. . . family day a big success” to “. . . family day a big success for members

Lastly, I also have a tremendous opportunity to better my editing skills. A senior editor took one of my edited articles and improved on it, showing me how much more I could have done to create a better edited report. I realise redundancy of words is a no-no and flow of information is important. Lastly, if only one guy is quoted saying this and that throughout the report, I can drop the “he said” and “he added” usually used. Thanks T.

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