I am once again in the pit of despair, all huffing and puffing about a condition I am so terribly upset about – the open rejection and apathy of some students.
I have come to my end in being patient with them, in believing the best of them, in giving them a zillion chances.
I trudge on every week, trying to get their attention and participation but its all in vain. I have given up . . .
I feel so discouraged and angry – this is the first time where I have been rejected, humiliated and disrespected by a collective group of students. I feel such a failure and am so angry with myself for not being able to get the interest and attention of the class, what more to help them learn some interesting and helpful information.
I am also concerned and saddened at the level of apathy shown by the students. It is indeed the world of the handphone, the ipod and the internet. Their whole world rotates these items, creating a make-believe world – the world of the internet, the world of music and the world of hedonistic debauchery. And if these are the leaders of tomorrow . . .
My only prayer is that the world (the real world) will come down hard on them soonest, awakening these students from their tranquilized state to the issues and important things of life so that they can be truly great and good. May they have the qualities of the great men and women of the past, worthy of awe and respect for truly great reasons and not because of the song and dance they can do, the cool parties they can hold or the useless victories from cyber games they constantly play.
(The contents of this post have been changed to meet a request from someone whom I respect and am under authority to . . .)