Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Lessons from a field trip

Last week I took some of my students for a field trip to Sabah - KK, Manukan and Kinabalu Park. It was rather disappointing and boring as the students were rather disinterested in the places they visited and what it offered or what was around. The first question asked when in KK was "Where's the nearest cybercafe?" The students showed very little or no interest in the flora and fauna of the island and mountain, were disinterested and oblivious of their surroundings (buildings, people, sights and sounds) and the boys were consumed with computer games (many brought their gadjets and laptops to ensure uninterrupted continous computerised entertainment). Several of them constantly complaint, mostly about everything not being of highest standard and 5 star quality (I wonder if they realise they are getting what they paid for). The Koreans students had one thing on their mind (and stomach) - Korean food. They could not eat what was served and 2 boys were very hungry by the end of the trip. They ate little and supplemented their diet with junk food and the occasional KFC.
Next time I will need to do the following:
  1. limit travelling time - if its too long, plan o make it interesting
  2. check the food - ask for menu before trip and ensure quality, meet requirements etc. Check if anyone has allergies and for the Koreans, their own food. Consider having BBQ.
  3. plan games, activities, challenges and things to do as groups throughout the trip
  4. when in the city, plan for shopping and cybercafe
  5. when grouping students, put birds of the same feather together
  6. try to identify hidden/extra cost (Manukan island - for every activity had to pay!)
  7. got to be more organised and well planned before going - pre trip planning, exposure, homework etc
  8. minimise having to wake up early

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