I guess what happened is as I went to work, slept and lived my normal life, the cost of living just rose slowly but surely and like the proverbial frog being boiled slowly in a pot, I never knew I was getting cooked until my wallet began to hurt!
After several years of living with enough and a little extra to bless others, I am back to those old days when I lived in lack. Ouch, never thought I would return to those 'terrible lean years'!
So I have begun looking for ways to trim the fat, deciding what I can discontinue, cut down or stretch but I fear the pay I am presently getting can only be stretched so much before it goes 'poof' (disappears into thin air). I guess its back to doing two or three jobs at the same time (those 'lean years' pushed me hard). I've identified 7.30-11.30am as the time I can do something else and am looking to be actively doing something(s) during this time to generate between RM1000 to RM2000 a month.
Any ideas/suggestions?
As a stop gap measure I will be selling off some of my belongings beginning with some books from my library - keep in the loop (visit my FB) to know what I am selling off.
I hope you are having better days but take my case as a call to look at your situation - is what you are doing and what you are getting financially enough any more or have you been robbed too?