The first was on Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 3:00pm at bing! coffee in Kuching at an informal event named Words-Worth! It is a spoken word event, organised to showcase the creative talent of wordsmiths in and from Kuching. I was one of the few feature performers (the others were Robert Raymer, Azreen Zahira, Victor Lim, Georgette Tan). I had the opportunity to read aloud a few pages from my latest book (to be published My Monkey Year). It was nerve wrecking (my first time) but was a learning experience and an eye opener. Click here to read a brief write-up of the event.
Then I was in Kuala Lumpur from the 6th - 8th of June for a Youth Cocert/Seminar where I was the key speaker for the two nights and I also conducted two workshops on Saturday (Dealing With Peer Pressure and Purity In A Boy-Girl Relationship).